Tarpaulin Pro LTD has a return policy that allows you to receive a refund or exchange for products purchased online or in-store within 30 days of purchase, as long as you have proof of purchase. Items must be returned unused and in their original packaging. If the item is faulty or damaged, we will refund the original shipping costs. See our returns information for more details.

If you need to cancel an order, please contact our Customer Service team as soon as possible. If the order has already been shipped, we may try to ask the couriers to return the items here, or you may refuse delivery when delivery is attempted.

For failed deliveries, we offer a Leave Safe service where the courier can leave the item with a neighbor or in a safe place if you’re not home. If this is not possible, the courier will attempt delivery three times before returning the package to us. If the courier has been unable to deliver and there has been no safe place or neighbor to leave the package with, it will be returned to us and we will process a refund.

For deliveries on a pallet, items weighing 30 kg or more will be delivered on a pallet. Please make sure someone is home to receive the pallet on the delivery date or there is a safe place to leave the pallet to avoid being returned to us. If any access issues will affect a truck delivering your order on a pallet, please let us know as soon as possible. Additional charges may be incurred if the delivery of a pallet fails due to the driver being unable to access it.

If you need to return a defective item, please contact our Customer Service department. We may request a photograph showing the item’s fault or the item be returned to us for inspection. If the item is faulty, we will repair or replace it as necessary. We will not refund shipping charges for any item returned to us without confirmation from our Customer Service department.

For items that are not faulty, you may return them to the postal address below if they do not meet your expectations. Items must be returned unused within 30 days of receiving your order. Please note that we can only cover the cost of returning defective or damaged items.