As you use our services, you trust us for your information. We make an honest effort to safeguard your information.

This privacy policy page will help you understand:

  • How we collect your information
  • why we collect your information
  • The following are the methods we use to collect your data:

When you visit our site, we use sessions to get the information, for example, the pages, the products you visited, and the products you added to the truck. We store your information for an exceptionally short period. These user sessions are deleted after some time. The only reason for this is to understand which of our products are well known among users. We use session data to work on our services.


In addition, we use cookies to collect information about the user’s IP address. Cookies are small documents with user information saved about the user. Programs have the option to enable or disable cookies. If you want to disable cookies, you can access the settings of your schedule to disable them. We use cookies to find out from which city or region our site receives the most traffic.

During Checkout:

We collect your information, for example, name, email address, telephone number, and address. The information we collect during checkout will be used to deliver the items to you. We use email to send order confirmation, the phone number is used if there are errors in the delivery address. Data we collect during checkout is automatically deleted after 60 days.

Phone Call:

Sometimes customers request a phone call and we ask for the details expressed above to deliver the order. This data is also deleted after 60 days from our frames.

Google Analytics:

Our site is connected with Google Analytics, which is used to examine traffic details, for example, famous pages and interest rates, among others, to further develop the user experience.

Information Divulgation:

We do not disclose your information to anyone known to the Public Authority offices under the assumption that they are approaching us to affirm our payment and that we are a bona fide organization. We also disclose information to government organizations for chargebacks if they approach us.

Data Protection:

The data you provide to us is protected by end-to-end encryption. We use various computations to encode the data and then store it in our frames. Unimportant people cannot access the included data structure, only approved people can view the data and interact with the order.

Data Verification:

To send the articles to the correct location, if there are spelling errors thoroughly, we verify your details by phone or email.